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Birth Certificate - Certified Translation

Whether congratulations are in order on the birth of your child or it’s your own birth certificate you need translating for whatever reason, we’re here to help with the high-quality certified translation of birth certificates and any other documents at an unbeatable price.

Are you thinking of studying or working abroad? Are you going to get married soon in another country? Do you have pending legal proceedings in Spain, France or the Germany?

In all these cases - and many more - you will need a certified translation of an important identity document: your birth certificate. As you know, when a child is born in the UK the parents or guardians must go to the Registry Office in order to to enter their details into an automated file. These details will accompany the person throughout their life and are used in many procedures: school registration, issuance of a passport, marriage, divorce, death, etc.

If you live in the UK or another English speaking country, there is of course no need to translate these vital documents, but the issue changes if you reside in other countries or, as we mentioned in the previous paragraph, if we have to carry out official procedures abroad. In these cases, most countries will request a translation of our first identification document that was issued - the birth certificate. The details on a birth certificate are generally quite simple. Can we do that translation ourselves or order it from a friend?

The importance of a professional translation.

That a professional translation agency is responsible for the translation of your certificate has several advantages, let's see the main ones:

- Reliability of the translation. The incorrect translation of your personal details may cause the requesting body to reject your birth certificate. Can you imagine losing the opportunity to sign a good contract, obtain an academic degree or even marry for having made a translation mistake?

- Certified translation. Many of the procedures for which you need to translate the birth certificate require that translation be done by a competent and accredited professional, that is, by a certified translator. You or your friend who speaks languages ​​can have great language skills, but are you recognised as sworn translators in the destination country of the translation? Here at certified translation UK we have accredited staff in virtually every country in the world; professionals who will guarantee with their signature that the information they are transferring from one language to another is true and correct. So, if you need a certified translation of your birth certificate, ot that of a memebr of your family, just get in touch. We guaranteee the cheapest prices,so will beat any other genuine quote. We also guarantee acceptance of your certified translation, in any country you may be submitting it. So, for peace of mind for all your translation needs, you can rely on us. Thanks for reading!

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