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Shed some light on Google rankings for certified translations, anyone?

We're still slowly climbing up the Google rankings here for the keyword "certified translation", but in many ways it remains a mystery to us. We add blog posts, testimonials, Google+ entries, links, Facebook posts and tweets, etc. and they do seem to have a positive effect. But then one day, a huge drop from page one to page four, and we don't see why. We know understanding Google's algorithm is the holy grail of SEO, but sometimes it seems to act with the whim of the gods. We don't feel we are using any tactics that Google should look down upon. If anyone can shed any light on this and give us some pointers it would be much appreciated. We can provide a free certified translation in return! We're getting there, but we want to reach out far and wide in order to keep on supplying our high quality yet great priced translations to as many people as possible. Spread the word! Thanks for reading people. *Update: 19 March 2019* We were doing really well, up to about 7th position and getting the word out about our quality certified translations at literally unbeatable prices, thanks to our price guarantee, then suddenly, we dropped out of the first 500 places. Why? Who the hell knows?! It wasn't a manually imposed penalty handed out by Google for bad SEO tactics, so we guessed it must have been something to with the mysterious and secretive Google algorithm updates. What could we do? We just kept on plugging away at improving the site, making it as user friendly as possible and adding regular blog post and other fresh content. Slowly but surely, we have worked our way back up again. Not quite to the heady heights of the long summer of 2018, but we're getting there. We're currently hovering around 15th place for our most valuable keyword "certified translation".

We all know the importance of backlinks, but they're something that are fairly difficult to acheive without resorting to spammy tactics. We have a few links to our sites from some of our satisfied customers, but we really need many more. They're a tough one, since you have to rely on someone else doing it for you. And we don't want to be pushy and keep on asking people to do it. So, if anyone reading has a website of any kind, a blog, or whatever, we'd be really grateful for a referal and a link. We'll put you one on our website in return. Also, we're still very open to any suggestions for SEO tips. Thanks a lot!

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